"Just Another Lut Pack" LUT PACK - 6 Filmic Looks
"Just Another Lut Pack" LUT PACK - 6 Filmic Looks
6 filmic LUT's designed to look their best in outdoor scenes. We've had some pukka (english word for "good") results on some interior scenarios too but yeah, outdoors.
There are 2 versions of each. "LOG" - Designed to give your log footage a look straight out of the box and "LOOK" - Designed to be a lil bit of spice on top of your pre-existing colour grade.
Here's an overview to give you an idea of what they all do:
35mm Ultra - Using the film stock Portra 400 as inspiration this gives a soft look that's a bit like real life if real life wore sunglasses in the rain.
90's Ultra Pop - A disposable camera vibe not scared of venturing onto a less trodden pink and green path. Giving teal and orange the finger.
Ultra Clean - A clean and natural look that still pulls your footage slightly into the realm of a heightened reality.
Wesley Sharp - This is the wild card. It's our little nod to the symmetry king - Wes Anderson. An Astroid City inspired alternative world that works best in very softly lit scenes that don't have too much green in them. Unless you like radioactive green. Then this is your jam. Spread it all over your footage toast.
Pastel Ultra - A look that lets warm and cool tones shine through while leaving the door ajar for the rest.
It's Paris B!tch - When you see you'll understand. Or maybe you won't... Anyway, enjoy x